Team Check-in Details
All teams will check-in online, which must be completed by 8 pm the night before your first game. You are not required to come to tournament headquarters before the first game. Tournament pins will be available for pick-up at any point throughout the weekend at the main tournament tent.
Click Here for Online Check-in
Official Roster
– If using US Youth Soccer, the club registrar must sign the roster. (if you are writing in a guest player, use the “Additional documents” upload option to submit copies of the guest player cards )
– Teams must provide an official US Club roster if using US Club Soccer. (if you are writing in a guest player, use the “Additional documents” upload option to submit copies of the guest player cards )
Medical releases
– During the online check-in you will be asked to confirm you have medical releases for each player.
Players cards are NOT required! We use the official roster as proof of registration and birthdate.