Crossfire Premier Social Media Statement
Crossfire Premier is an organization committed to promoting the game of youth soccer. Crossfire recognizes that online social media can be a highly effective tool for sharing ideas and a common means of communication. While this is important, Crossfire Premier seeks to ensure that social media usage serves its need to maintain its brand identity and integrity while minimizing actual or potential legal risks. Therefore, we ask that staff, families and players use discretion when posting about the organization, teams, players, coaches and volunteers. To effectuate these thoughts, a Crossfire Premier Social Media Policy was created to establish the following rules and guidelines related to online activity only. The policy applies to all staff, coaches, contractors, volunteers and players. Crossfire is not seeking to restrict the use of social media, but to set forth conduct that will not be tolerated by Crossfire.
Crossfire defines “social media” broadly to include online platforms that facilitate activities such as professional or social networking, posting commentary or opinions and sharing pictures, audio, video, or other content. “Social media” includes personal websites and all types of online communities (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, message boards, chat rooms, and any other online forums).
General Guidelines
- You should not post content on social media that contains hate speech, harassment, content promoting violence or illegal activity, or content that displays lewd or indecent behavior.
- You may not intentionally disparage Crossfire Premier nor make maliciously false statements about the organization.
- You should be smart about what you publish. Once something is posted, it exists online forever. Ask yourself, “would I want to see this published in the newspaper or posted online tomorrow or ten years from now?” If the answer is “no,” do not post.
- You are accountable for your actions and what you communicate via social media.
- You should not represent that Crossfire has authorized you to speak on behalf of the organization or that Crossfire Premier has approved your message unless you receive prior written authorization to do so. If you do not receive written authorization to speak on behalf of the organization, you are strongly encouraged to state explicitly, clearly, and in a prominent place on the site that “views expressed are the ones own and not those of Crossfire Premier or of any person or organization affiliated or doing business with.
- You should not use Crossfire Premier copyrights, trademarks, and logos in anyway without permission. Crossfire protects its copyrights, trademarks, and logos. You should respect the laws regarding copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and other third-party rights. To minimize the risk of a copyright violation, you should reference the source(s) of information you use and accurately cite copyrighted works you identify in your online communications. Do not infringe on Crossfire logos, brand names, taglines, slogans, or other trademarks. You may not use Crossfire logos, brand names, taglines, slogans, or other trademarks or other protected information or property for any business/commercial venture.
- Crossfire reserves the right to use photographs, video, voice, and likeness of players, parents, coaches, and referees participating in our programming without compensation. The media obtained by the organization may be used on our website, social media, publications, etc.
- This organization respects your rights to communicate on your own behalf. Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with your rights under Federal and Washington State laws.
Violations of the Social Media Policy
Representing this organization is a privilege, not a right. We reserve the right to address such behavior and impose disciplinary actions that may range from a warning or suspension up to and including dismissal from the organization.