Crossfire Expands Club Partnerships in Eastern Washington
Continuing to grow an affiliation footprint across the state of Washington, Crossfire Premier has joined with Washington East of Spokane to form an innovative new cooperation designed to provide even more opportunities for talented young players across the state.
This new affiliation, as with Crossfire’s other partnerships, is founded on providing greater developmental benefits for players, including opportunities to train with and potentially move to XF teams playing at the highest level in the country—the U.S. Soccer Development Academy and the Elite Clubs National League. Ancillary facets of the partnership focus on college preparatory and placement programs, coaching development and education, and additional playing and travel opportunities with Crossfire teams.
With a mission to provide Washington players with the highest possible level of technical and tactical education, as well as offering those capable players with endless opportunity to further excel in the sport, Crossfire Premier continues to set the model for player development in the United States. By innovating new avenues to pursue cooperation with clubs across the state, partnerships such as this allow XF to positively impact a greater number of players in Washington, helping to achieve the club’s mission while also extending our programming reach.